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SUPER RAW LIFE updateWhat’s your Raw story? Get updates, inside information,special offers and sneak peeksdirectly from Super Raw Life,via email.
“I change myself, I change the world.” –Gloria Anzuldua
“I lost 72 pounds in 75 days and have been able to maintain over 100 pounds weight loss since my transition towards the raw lifestyle in 2009 and living the principles which are taught and covered in the Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge. The 100 day challenge is a proven way to heal and lose weight using a raw food diet plan, exercise and healing from the inside out. The 100 day challenge is a serious life changing weight loss program, for serious people looking to change their lives and transform their lifestyle while sustaining their weight loss. I invite you to take a chance to change! For what averages out to be just a dollar a day you can join the Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge and receive a 733 page step-by-step PDF workbook.
The Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge includes a step-by-step PDF workbook taking you through each day of the challenge. It is a proven way to change and heal from the inside out. In order to transform your lifestyle and body on the Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge we show you a way to not only modify eating habits but your lifestyle as well. The Challenge covers all aspects of your senses, to enable a total inner and outer body transformation. We provide you with the knowledge on a proven way to change your lifestyle and body.
I know this can change your life, it changed mine!”–Michele Marie Jeppson, Founder/Editor in Chief, Super Raw Life Magazine

What others are saying about the Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge:
“Hi Michele, I ‘m sorry it has taken a few days to let you know when I started. I did start on Monday and l am loving it. This isn’t my first attempt at eating raw though. I did do a 30 day raw plan and I had good results but I would go back and forth between cooked and uncooked after those 30 days. I couldn’t shake how good I felt eating raw so I kept flirting with it, while eating some cooked food. I’m thinking that eating raw for as long as this is and doing the rituals will be the full reset I need. I have to tell you that your plan is the most comprehensive I have seen including so many elements. It really keeps you focused and is more holistic than just focusing on what to eat. Thank you for your time and effort putting this together. “- Joya
“Hey I thought I would let you know how my weight loss is going. I am so stinking excited to say that I have lost my full 50 lbs!!!! I am now finally after 10 years of being over weight back to my normal size. Thank you so much for being so inspiring. You’re amazing!” – BreAna
“I absolutely love SUPER RAW LIFE. It’s a beautifully done and inspiring magazine! I decided to give the raw lifestyle a try after reading your very first issue. Thank you! You’ve been such a positive influence in my life. And when you consider how much more productive and energetic I am (and illness free) since doing the Super Raw Life 100 Day Challenge…I’m certain this lifestyle is going to save me money in the long run. And add a few productive years to my life!” – Richard Dutcher, Film Maker
